Compressed Context Memory for
Online Language Model Interaction

1Seoul National University, 2NAVER AI Lab, equal supervision

Our approach compresses accumulating contexts into a compact memory space,
reducing memory requirement during inference and enhancing computational efficiecy.

Interactive demo of context compression approach with finetuned LLaMA-7B. Check out our GitHub for running demos.


  • Our approach dynamically creates compressed memory of attention keys/values during LLM interactions.
  • Our approach only requires training a conditional LoRA for compression .
  • We use a fully parallelized training strategy for recurrent compression procedures.
  • We conduct evaluations on diverse applications: conversation, multi-task ICL, and personalization,       achieving the performance level of a full context model with 5x smaller context memory space.
  • Figure. Illustration of the proposed LM framework with compressed memory Mem(∙), where <C> denotes a compression token.


    Figure. Comparison of our approach and the full context model with LLaMA-7B on multi-task ICL.

    Figure. Streaming evaluation on PG19 validation set using sliding window with LLaMA-7B.

    Table. An example sample of our approach with LLaMA-7B in DailyDialog.

    Table. Inference throughput analysis of our approach with LLaMA-7B using batch processing.

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  • BibTeX

                title={Compressed Context Memory For Online Language Model Interaction},
                author={Kim, Jang-Hyun and Yeom, Junyoung and Yun, Sangdoo and Song, Hyun Oh},
                journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03414},